Independent: British viewers can't get enough of foreign-language dramas Read this Independent feature on foreign-language dramas . If the website is blocked or forcing you to register you can access the text of the article here . It features an in-depth interview with Walter Iuzzolino who curates Channel 4's Walter Presents programming. Answer the questions below: 1) What does the article suggest regarding the traditional audience for foreign-language subtitled media? 'Fifteen years ago, if you'd mentioned to a colleague that you'd spent Saturday night glued to a subtitled European drama, you'd have been quietly declared pretentious, dull and, possibly, a little odd.' 2) What does Walter Iuzzolino suggest is the key appeal of his 'Walter Presents' shows? You develop a love for the distant world because while you're watching, you're in Sweden," he says. "If you see something amazing set in Argentina, then Argentina itself, the hou...