
Showing posts from May, 2024

Music Video: The Specials - Ghost Town CSP

  Background and historical contexts Read  this excellent analysis from The Conversation website of the impact Ghost Town had both musically and visually . Answer the following questions 1)  Why does the writer link the song to cinematic soundtracks and music hall tradition?  Written in E♭, more attuned to “mood music”, with nods to cinematic soundtracks and music hall tradition, it reflects and engenders anxiety. 2) What subcultures did 2 Tone emerge from in the late 1970s? 2 Tone had emerged stylistically from the  Mod and Punk subcultures  and its musical roots and the people in it, audiences and bands, were both black and white. 3) What social contexts are discussed regarding the UK in 1981? England was hit by recession and away from rural Skinhead nights,  riots  were breaking out across its urban areas. Deprived, forgotten, run down and angry, these were places where young people, black and white, erupted. In these neglected parts of London, Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool the yo

TV assessment: Learner response

  1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW : A superb assessment- well done! Seriously impressive knowledge shown in both questions. Keep up the good work EBI: For Q2, exploring both sides of the ideological positioning could push you towards the top level. See the exemplar answer for an example of this 2) Read  the whole mark scheme for this assessment  carefully. Identify at least  one  potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question). The distinction between actors and characters is arguably breaking down as films allude to stars’ previous roles or reputations or deliberately play an actor against type. media products – particularly fictional genres such as dramas – are constructed for entertainment and escapism 3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main ter

Music Videos: Postcolonial theory

  Postcolonial theory: blog tasks Wider reading on race and Old Town Road Read  this W Magazine deep dive on the Yeehaw agenda  and answer the following questions:  1) What are the visual cues the article lists as linked to the western genre?  The visual cues associated with what could be classified as  western —cowboy hats, cow prints, rhinestones, and fringed suede jackets, to name a few. 2) How did the Yeehaw agenda come about?  In September 2018, the trend of black pop-culture figures wearing cowboy garb was dubbed the “Yeehaw Agenda” by  Bri Malandro , a Texas-based pop-culture archivist. 3) Why has it been suggested that the black cowboy has been 'erased from American culture'? The history of the black cowboy has largely been erased from American culture, and the “moment”  black cowboys are having in pop culture right now has actually persisted for quite some time 4) How has the black cowboy aesthetic been reflected by the fashion industry? Over the past few years, their

Music Video: Old Town Road CSP

  Background and cultural contexts Read  this Vox feature and podcast transcript on Lil Nas X and Old Town Road . Make sure you read the whole thing - including the podcast transcript - then answer the following questions:  1) What is the big debate regarding Old Town Road and genre? The debate was about whether it should be considered as country music 2) What do you learn about the background of Lil Nas X and Old Town Road from the podcast transcript? He is a 20-year-old rapper from Atlanta. Technically his birth name is Montero Hill, but he has been calling himself “Lil Nas X” for several years now. And last year he joined SoundCloud, as many people do. And by the end of the year in December he released a song called “Old Town Road 3) What is the Yeehaw agenda? The yee haw agenda. This woman, Bri Malandro, tweeted about how a lot of black artists are getting interested in sort of the country aesthetic. And the way that Lil Nas X factored into that is, while people were picking up on