
Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024

1) State the  song  you have chosen for your preliminary exercise. 21 Gracie Abrams- logo may be  like a small star or a crescent moon 2) Choose at least  three  music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make  bullet-point notes  on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene. Gracie Abrams Risk- casual clothing, performance is just lip syncing, looks natural, simple artist logo. Editing speeds up to mirror her state of mind I miss you I'm sorry lyric video- soft lighting, phone camera to make it more personal, clothes looking like her pyjamas  Two people lyric video- I may want to add lyrics to my video so this video had the kind of vibe i would want mine to have. The simple font of the lyrics 3)  Write a short  music video treatment  for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can  find an example of a treatment here . If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment

Coursework: Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Great artist name + first slide- superb concept!  i agree it fits the genre- excellent justification clear research into music video conventions which influences the concept. Great to see! Clear plan to performance element and this I built into structure Excellent idea for shoe sponsor- weaving it into the narrative is such a good concept! I like the music magazine title! Music language- good point on phone, are these other effects you can use to give it a personal, nostalgic feel? You allude to this in next slide on colour grading Excellent ideas for Mis-en-scene Some really interesting ideas for representation and identity- great opportunity to expand on this in statement of intent Some good points on audience engagement and pleasures great to see industry and convergence addressed, this is a brilliant presentation! could perhaps have slightly less text on slides and more delivery to c

Coursework: Summer Project 2024

  1) Research: music videos You need to write a  150-word close-textual analysis  of  SIX  music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one (see guidance below).   22, Taylor Swift- This music video is a carefree montage with the themes of friendship, living life in the moment and celebrating youth. The costume is casual summer pieces including the denim shorts, heart shaped sunglasses and friendship bracelet. The sunglasses are also shared amongst the friends showing unity and closeness. The setting changes from the house party, garden to the beach. These are familiar settings to young people. Clearly Taylor Swift is targeting teenagers and young adults with these themes. Once the setting changes to the party, it shows familiar conventions of American teenage parties like checking your makeup and hair and dancing on tables and chairs. And then finally jumping into the pool. The

Radio: Final index

  1)  Radio: Introduction to Radio 2)  Radio: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat 3)  Radio: War of the Worlds

Radio: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat

Media Factsheet #246: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat Read  Factsheet #246 BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat . You'll need your Greenford google login to access it. Answer the following questions: 1) How is the history and launch of Radio 1 summarised in the factsheet? If you studied this as part of GCSE Media you will already know much of this. Newsbeat. For many years BBC radio had a monopoly of the airwaves, it was the only radio station that people in the UK could legally listen to. However, this monopoly was challenged in the 1960s when pirate radio stations such as Radio Caroline and Radio Luxembourg started illegally transmitting commercial programming via ships in international waters and on land. 2) Look at page 3 of the factsheet. How is Radio 1 attempting to appeal to its 15-29 age demographic?  It aims to entertain and engage young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. 3) What did young people used to get from radio? Focus on audience pleasures / Uses & Gratifi

Learner response

  1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). Q2 is superb: a brilliant evaluation of the theory, excellent focus on the question. So close to an A EBI: Slightly more developed paragraphs can push you up. More evidence from the texts could do this or more in-depth discussion of the theoretical ideas. For the last point, more sophisticated theory such as Marxism and hegemony could have helped here. 2) Read  the mark scheme for this exam carefully , paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. Firstly, focus on the unseen question and identify  two  aspects of the poster that you could have written about in your answer. the thriller/horror/supernatural etc genre (isolated setting, low key lighting, blue hue) the representation of youth as diverse in terms of gender and race 3) Look at the indicative content for Q1 again and make a note of any  theories  or examples of  media terminology  you could hav

Radio: Introduction to radio

  Introduction to radio: blog tasks Create a new blogpost called 'Introduction to Radio' on your  Media 2 Coursework blog  and complete the following tasks: BBC Sounds Read  this Guardian feature on the launch of BBC Sounds  and answer the following questions: 1) Why does the article suggest that ‘on the face of it, BBC Radio is in rude health’? It has half the national market, with dozens of stations reaching more than 34 million people a week 2) According to the article, what percentage of under-35s used the BBC iPlayer catch-up radio app? 3% of under-35s use the iPlayer catch-up radio app, which will soon be axed. 3) What is BBC Sounds? BBC Sounds is a relatively new app designed to bring younger listeners to BBC Radio content 4) How do audiences listen to radio content in the digital age? Netflix upended TV viewing habits, the growth of podcasts and Spotify means listeners increasingly expect their audio content to be personalised to them. 5) What does Jason Phipps suggest