Statement of Intent feedback and learner response.


  • This is already very strong with clear potential to reach the top level.
  • Media language is actually one of the weaker areas currently – could you offer a little more in terms of what you are planning to make? Some of this will come later in terms of print but with regards to the video can you mention any other elements? E.g. costume, editing, visual style, post-production or effects… you don’t need to cover everything but perhaps a little more than you have currently?
  • The audience section feels like it drifts slightly towards representation… perhaps an area to look at and maybe bring in a little more theory here?
  • Representation is strong but could you bring in a little more theory here too? I feel there is potential there considering the points you are already making.
  • Print brief is addressed at the start but I would go back to this in January to add specific details when you have done the print research and planning tasks.
  1.  I will add more theories- Paul Gilroy for identity, bell hooks for intersectionality of race and feminism
  2.  I will add more audience theories to strengthen that section -  Vicarious pleasures
  3. Include all the effects and post production elements in the media language section


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