Editing video feedback/learner response

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

Some good match on action getting into and leaving the room. The middle section has good dialogue but the shot framing (0B) leaves a lot of dead space and it breaks the 180 degree rule. Some sound effects in the fight scene are really great- really add to that part of the sequence. Clear narrative but a couple of continuity errors in places
2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.
  • need to follow 180 rule
  • good match on action
  • great fight scene

3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned?
I did not meet the brief successfully as i broke the 180 degree rule and had a continuity error. I have learnt to pay close attention to actor movement as i understand the importance of flow and continuity to an audience

4) What were the strengths and weaknesses of your final film? Write a detailed analysis picking out specific shots, edits and any other aspect of film language you think is relevant.
My strengths were that they it was engaging and entertaining to my audience. I also successfully edited match on action multiple times throughout my production- one example being during the fight scene with the punches

5) Learner response: what aspect of editing did you find most difficult? What have you learned from this process that will help you when you start the actual coursework later this year?
I found the 180 degree rule to be confusing and struggled to understand it as quick as my classmates did but now i finally understand, it will be the most memorable when i do coursework in year 13. I will pay close attention to actor movement when editing on adobe as well to ensure the production flows and is seamless 


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